Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Alright, the Doctor's Been Out for Awhile

Strangely, or not, my first post back begins with a rail against President Bush, whom I generally like, but of whose shenanigans I am growing tired.

The fact that he surrenders the debate on immigration by referring to people, whose very first act upon entering our nation is a crime against our national sovereignty, as "undocumented" is as egregious as any misdeed he's commited since ascending to the presidency. I am growing absolutely nauseated by our party's representatives continual usage of such malicious euphemisms. What's next? Bank robbers as "unregistered customers" making "coercive, unauthorized withdrawals?"

The President and the Republican leadership's relentless equivocation in the debate and marginalizing of the opposition, i.e. their own base, by employing such canards as "America is a nation of immigrants" and "there are some who argue that we should deport all 12 million" is just so incredibly infuriating that I am truly starting to hope for a Republican drubbing this November. Pragmatically, I believe that would be a disaster, but screw 'em; let them learn a few G-ddamned lessons about representative leadership and there just might be a chance for some guys to come in and renew the Reagan Revolution; hopefully they'll bring their testicles along with them.

That the President has caused me to share feeling with seditious fruitcakes like Kos and MM , namely doubts about his sincerity and character, is very disturbing. Mr. President, of course you know that America is not a nation of illegal immigrants. But you seem to be doing your best to make it so.


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