Monday, June 12, 2006

McCarthy, Coulter, and Conservative Faggotry

Was McCarthy perfect? Of course not. Was he right? Of course. Was he 1000 times more morally upright than the communists and anti-anti-communists? Absolutely.

The reason that McCarthy’s legacy is what it is today is that otherwise well-meaning, good conservatives abandoned him to the smear campaign of the communist sympathizers. Pure faggotry, in my opinion. McCarthy was right, there was a real crisis, and if any lives were “ruined,” it was the result of simple-minded or treacherous scheming to prevent a righteous purge of Soviet spies in the U.S. government.

A little balls goes a long way (or would, if conservatives would ever display them)and I respect the f*** out of Ann Coulter for what she’s trying to do. Her very point, now illustrated brilliantly by the mass-cowering on the right, is that there’s no way that the Left can have an honest debate, so they appoint legions of sacrosanct tribunes with “absolute moral authority” in the hopes that conservative civility will prove a barrier to any kind of challenge.

Veteran amputees, Vietnam “heroes,” mothers of war dead, widows of terror victims, black “victims of racism” are all enlisted to dish it out and not take it . . . it’s a pretty clear and effective strategy.

The stakes are too damned high for these people to get a pass and there can be no doubt that the crucial battle is not for Iraq, but for the will of the American people. Thank you Ann Coulter for not conceding; it's too bad you weren't around to take on the anti-anti-commies.

Adapted from previous post on Tim Blair


Blogger Jason Meeker said...

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1:46 PM  
Blogger Jason Meeker said...

You say, "Was McCarthy perfect? Of course not. Was he right? Of course. Was he 1000 times more morally upright than the communists and anti-anti-communists? Absolutely."

I wonder how you think this.

In the end, he was full of shit and such a big drinker, he could only eat sticks of butter because his stomach was so ravaged. I'm not making that up.

You seem like a smart guy, so I'd like to recommend you read "A Conspiracy So Immense." It's a fantastic book about the "Red Scare."

I think you'd learn a lot. It may not change your mind, but you'll learn more than you know now. And it's obvious you do not know the truth about Joe McCarthy.

1:54 PM  
Blogger DrZin said...

You say he was full of sh*t, and yet the Venona project proves, beyond the shadow of a doubt that he was absolutely right.

Whether he drank or ate butter is probably not as material as you may believe. But that Soviet spies riddled our national government, including the State dept. and the White House, has been established beyond any doubt, and that by far the most pertinent issue of the day.

And do you know how many people were sent to the gas chamber simply for being communists? Uh, zero. How many people were even jailed simply for being communists? Zero, again. Only those people who thought it more important to protect scheming subversives than to follow the laws of the U.S. justice system suffered any penalties. They made their beds.

Anyway, thanks for your response, welcome to my blog, and congratulations on being the first commenter ever.

2:27 PM  

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